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Other projects

No. Name of the project Start Completed Place  Technical content
Gravity wire building (m) Domestic  wiring (pieces) Pressure wire (m) Domestic wastewater  intake (pieces) Waste water lift (pieces) Wastewater treatment plant capacity (m3/day)
1 “Alsópáhok, Kossuth L., Mátyás K., Hunyadi J. and Dózsa Gy. streets’ wastewater network development “ 01.10.2019. 17.12.2019. Alsópáhok Hrsz.: 262/1, 801, 0137/2, 2122, 2123, 2124 2385,1
2 „Contract under the project KEHOP-2.2.2-15-2015-00035. Wastewater network and wastewater treatment plant development in Hegyfalu and surrounding  under the conditions of  FIDIC Yellow Book. 06.102017. 13.12.2019. Hegyfalu, Zsédeny, Pósfa, Szeleste, Ölbő inner and outer territories 29 159 1076 16 159 4 10 290
3 „Contract under the project KEHOP-2.2.1-15-2015-00014 Wastewater network and wastewater treatment plant development in Böhönye  under the conditions of  FIDIC Yellow Book. “ 25.10.2016. 25.10.2018. Böhönye 2433,02 616,31 17 3
4 Reconstruction of wastewater network in Nagykanizsa, Eötvös square- Széchenyi square, and Nagykanizsa, Szent József square és Tandor Ottó promenade as a subcontractor 06.11.2017. 30.12.2017. Nagykanizsa Eötvös square-Széchenyi square, and  Nagykanizsa Szent József square and Tandor Ottó promenade 145
5 “Contract under the project of Planning and construction of wastewater network KEOP-1.2.0/09-11-2012-0012 /KEHOP-2.2.4-15-2015-00001 /The cleaning of wastewater network in Somogytúr and agglomeration  by FIDIC Yellow Book. 2014.03.14 2016.12.12 Somogytúr and its agglomeration: Gamás, Látrány, Somogybabod, Somogytúr, Visz 45 964 1518 31879 33 23 360
6 Reconstruction of vis maior damages of wastewater system in Henészi district 18.05.2016. 15.08.2016. Nagyatád, Ady str. 3.-Ady köz 6. (hrsz. 2447;2563)
Nagyatád Ady str. 68.. (végakna) – Ady u. 3. (hrsz. 2563)
Nagyatád, Honvéd u. 1/1 – Honvéd u. 2/a (hrsz. 2336;2298)
797,46 80
7 Separation of rainwater and wastewater networks in Zalaegerszeg, between Rákóczi Ferenc str Gasparich Márk str and Mártírok ave 29.09.2015. 30.06.2016. Zalaegerszeg, between Rákóczi Ferenc str Gasparich Márk str and Mártírok str 342
8 Sopron 2-0-0 reconstruction of main collector wastewater channel between Lackner Kristóf str és Selmeci str 22.07.2015. 24.05.2016. Sopron, Lackner Kristóf str (4225,4222/13 hrsz.) Selmeci str (3982 hrsz.) Ikva sor (664/1 hrsz.) 485
9 „Planning and construction of Somogytúr and its agglomeration’s waste water channel and watewater cleaning system 18.03.2014. 18.11.2015. Somogytúr 31692 1508 24288 24 360
10 Wastewater channel and wastewater treatment plant  development in Nagyatád and its surrounding. 14.082013. 29.10.2015. Bakháza, Görgeteg, Háromfa,Kutas, Lábod, Nagyatád, Ötvöskónyi, Rinyaszentkirály, Tarany, Nagyatád-Kivadár 84443 3267 62295 40 27 4930
11 Water management and improvement of water quality „A Ráckevei Soroksári –Duna (RSD) 07.04.2014. 26.10.2015. Ráckeve, Dömsöd, Szigetbecse, Makád, Tass 26523 1332 1,00E+05 7100 63
12 Waste water channeling of Kunszentmiklós city 12.12.2013. 14.10.2015. Kunszentmiklós 65254 2569 4115 10
13 Wastewater plant treatment construction and development in Pilisvörösvár. 30.07.2013. 11.08.2015. Pilisvörösvár 1600
14 Waste water channeling and cleaning in Bácsalmás. 10.10.2013. 01.06.2015. Bácsalmás 65795 2584 730 5 800
15 Development of waste water cleaning system capacity and construction of mud maintaining building in Keszthely 17.10.2013. 29.05.2015. Keszthely 18000
16 Wastewater channeling and cleaning in Segesd 08.04.2013. 08.04.2015. Segesd 23182 940 4013 7 250
17 Planning and construction of wastewater channeling system and wastewater plant treatment in Nagybajom. 08.10.2013. 08.04.2015. Nagybajom 16130 1012 10068 10 375
18 Solving waste water issues in Ádánd by construction and build up wastewater channel system and a wastewater plant treatment. 29.11.2012. 28.11.2014. Ádánd 14614 832 5248 4 230
19 Planning, construction and development of waste water plant treatment in Révfülöp and its agglomeration. 30.04.2013. 28.11.2014. Révfülöp 2300
20 Planning and construction of wastewater plant treatment in Cece, including authorization and trial work. 09.03.2012. 25.11.2014. Cece 220
21 Construction and authorization of wastewater channeling system in Cece. 09.01.2013. 25.11.2014. Cece 29453 1113 3219 8
22 „Wastewater planing retreat development in Tab. 27.02.2013. 24.08.2014. Tab 950
23 Construction, planning, development and authorization of wastewater plant treatment in Nagykanizsa and its agglomeration. 18.11.2011. 14.08.2014. Nagykanizsa 21250
24 Construction of wastewater channeling system and wastewater plant treatment in Kadarkút. 14.08.2012. 26.06.2014. Kadarkút, Hencse 20966 867 6713 5 280
25 Contrsuction, authorization, and trial work of wastewater channeling system in Iregszemcse. 06.07.2012. 27.05.2014. Iregszemcse 23298 1000 4475 5 230
26 Wastewater channeling in Kaposmérő 08.07.2012. 09.04.2014. Kaposmérő 17532 815 1292 2 280
27 Wastewater channeling in Vaspör and surroundings. 12.09.2012. 2013.10.31 Vaspör, Ozmándbük, Hagyárosbörönd 12550 420 12870 8
28 Construction of wastewater plant treatment in Nagykanizsa and its agglomeration, and construction of wastewater channel development in north-and south-western regions. 28.01.2011. 23.08.2013. Nagykanizsa Megyei Jogú Város (Bajcsa, Korpavár és Palin városrészek), Zalaszentbalázs, Bocska, Magyarszerdahely, Magyarszentmiklós, Homokkomárom, Hosszúvölgy, Fűzvölgy, Eszteregnye, Rigyác, Szepetnek, Semjénháza és Fityeház 67175 2700 59459 40 27
29 Construction of wastewater channeling system with trial work in Dencsháza and Hobol. 13.04.2012. 17.07.2013. Dencsháza, Hobol 10213 381 10747 153 4
30 Wastewater channeling in Sántos and Szentbalázs 06.04.2012. 05.07.2013. Sántos, Szentbalázs 8832 317 4618 19 2
31 Collection  and channeling of wastewater in Vasvár and its districts (Kismákfa and Nagymákfa) 26.05.2011. 31.05.2013. Vasvár, Nagymákfa, Kismákfa 27007 1035 8547 68 13 50
32 Wastewater channeling in Csurgó and surroundings. 08.03.2012. 29.03.2013. Csurgó, Porrog, Porrogszentkirály, Szenta 11812 469 9128 18 5
33 Wastewater plant treatment development and reconstruction in Veresegyház and its agglomeration. 31.08.2011. 28.12.2012. Veresegyház 2000
34 Construction and reconstruction of wastewater channeling in Veresegyház. 12.11.2010. 12.11.2012. Veresegyház 57697 2640 6234 149 14
35 Construction and development of wastewater channel in Székesfehérvár and surroundings (Pákozd, Pátka, Seregélyes) 11.01.2011. 30.10.2012. Székesfehérvár, Pátka, Pákozd, Seregélyes 146090 6267 42274 253 27
36 Construction, reconstruction and development of wastewater channel, and wastewater plant retreat in Dombóvár.

Part I. : Dombóvár unsupplied territories, Újdombóvár, Dombóvár-Szőlőhegy

14.06.2011. 24.08.2012. Dombóvár 55095 2466 4080 7
37 Wastewater plant treatment and channeling in Belezna. 25.10.2010. 30.06.2012. Belezna 9618 306 1360 1 2 120
38 Wastewater plant treatment and channeling in Egyházaskozár 01.10.2010. 29.06.2012. Egyházaskozár 9263 374 1619 5 100
39 Construction of wastewater plant treatment and channeling in Rábahídvég 25.10.2010. 18.06.2012. Rábahídvég 11121 389 1135 3 107
40 Wastewater channeling and treatment in Uraiújfalu and Vámoscsalád. 14.09.2010. 30.03.2012. Uraiújfalu, Vámoscsalád 15975 572 4080 3 140
41 Wastewater channeling and treatment in Győrsövényház. 15.10.2010. 28.03.2012. Győrsövényház 8795 339 3491 3 90
42 Wastewater channeling in Sárvár-Rábasömjén district and Rábapaty. 21.04.2010. 22.12.2011. Sárvár, Rábapaty 26970 1005 5202 1 7
43 Wastewater channeling in Vése and Nemesdéd. 14.07.2009. 31.01.2011. Vése, Nemesdéd 14155 624 8442 5 3 90
44 Wastewater channeling in Kurd. 17.07.2009. 14.01.2011. Kurd 11238 455 1498 7 120
45 Wastewater channeling in Ságvár. 18.06.2009. 17.12.2010. Ságvár 20107 704 2142 6 4 180
46 Wastewater channeling in Őrbottyán and surroundings. 05.09.2008. 17.09.2010. Őrbottyán, Vácduka, Váchartyán, Vácrátót, Csörög, Vác-Máriaudvar, Vác-Csatamező 144269 6697 33382 306 27
47 Construction of rainwater, wastewater channels, development of wastewater plant treatment in Zalaegerszeg and agglomeration, part II. 22.05.2009. 17.09.2010. Zalaegerszeg Development of mud line of already existing wastewater plant treatment with construction of biogas utilization system :

Biogas: 92Nm3/hour, gas pressures 8,5 bar
construction of 5 pieces of wells, construction of 5562 m rainwater channel 

48 Construction of regional collector system and development in Zalaegerszeg and surrounding  in 10 villages and 14 districts in Zalaegerszeg city. – North-western branch 14.03.2007. 30.06.2010. Zalaegerszeg, Kispáli, Kávás és Boncodfölde 55192 2201 15964 24
49 Development of wastewater cleaning and channeling in Zalaegerszeg and its agglomeration  par II. . Development of regional collector system and channel. Part III. Channeling works related to North-western collector. 25.04.2009. 30.06.2010. Zalaegerszeg 10092 5136 7
50 Wastewater channeling and plant treatment in Rum-Meggyeskovácsi-lkervár-Zsennye-Csempeszkovács-Gyanógeregye-Nemeskolta-Sorkifalud-Sorkikápolna községek. Part I. 04.08.2006. 31.07.2009. Rum, Meggyeskovácsi, lkervár, Csempeszkopács 45306 1666 31055 12 16 610
51 Wastewater channeling and plant treatment in Rum-Meggyeskovácsi-lkervár-Zsennye-Csempeszkovács-Gyanógeregye-Nemeskolta-Sorkifalud-Sorkikápolna községek. Part II. 10.10.2006. 29.07.2009. Zsennye, Gyanógeregye, Nemeskolta, Sorkifalud, Sorkikápolna 21823 758 16777 2 12
52 Wastewater channeling in Sávoly. 22.10.2008. 30.04.2009. Sávoly 7542 283 1736 3
53 Wastewater channeling Káld, Borgáta, Egyházashetye és Köcsk. 28.11.2006. 31.12.2008. Káld, Borgáta, Egyházashetye, Köcsk 33028 1328 14699 12 500
54 Wastewater channeling Mernye, Orci, Zimány, Patalom, Magyaratád, Somogyaszaló-Antalmajor. 30.09.2006. 05.09.2008.09.05 Mernye, Orci, Zimány, Patalom, Magyaratád, Somogyaszaló 40815 1588 32926 7 16
55 Wastewater channeling and wastewater plant treatment in Zalakaros and surroundings. 19.12.2005. 30.05.2008. Zalakaros 1600
56 Wastewater channeling in Magyarszék-Magyarhertelend-Mecsekpölöske-Komló (Sikonda) unsupplied territories – Mánfa-Liget-Bodolyabér. 07.04.2006. 23.01.2008. Magyarszék, Magyarhertelend, Mecsekpölöske, Komló (Sikonda), Mánfa, Liget, Bodolyabér 50166 1689 23236 68 24
57 Wastewater channeling and cleaning  Zalaszentmihály-Pölöske 27.02.2006. 28.11.2007. Zalaszentmihály, Pölöske, Pacsa 20128 794 11515 7 8 250
58 Wastewater channeling in Nemesvid, Somogysimonyi, Községek és Zalakomár, end of Ady E. str.  Development of the wastewater plant treatment in Zalakomár (250 m3/d) 25.10.2005. 31.10.2007. Nemesvid, Somogysimonyi, Zalakomár 15087 518 13916 4 6 200
59 Connection of wastewater channels of Zalavár and Sármellék to the regional network, Keszthely. 08.03.2005. 30.05.2007. Zalavár, Sármellék 2159 88 10739 5
60 Little-Balaton II/1 wastewater channeling subregion / Construction of main technical system in Garabonc, Nagyrada és Zalamerenye 08.03.2005. 30.05.2007. Garabonc, Nagyrada, Zalamerenye, Zalakaros 3975 8 7117 6
61 Construction of regional wastewater channel in Nagykanizsa South-eastern main collector. 29.11.2004. 12.03.2007. Iharoberény ,Inke, Iharos, Pogányszentpéter, Nagykanizsa 38119 1478 35448 29 19
62 Waste water channeling in Balatonmagyaród község, és Zalakomár, Árpád str, wastewater plant treatment technoligical reconstruction in Zalakomár. 10.12.2004. 30.11.2006. Balatonmagyaród, Zalakomár 6094 294 5276 1 4 250
63 Construction and development of wastewater plant treatment in Sárvár. 14.01.2005. 20.12.2005. Sárvár 4000
64 Wastewater channeling in Csurgó  unsupplied districts and channelign of related 5 villages. Development of existing wastewater plant treatment to the capacity of 1800 m3/d. 08.10.2002. 26.07.2005. Csurgó, Berzence, Gyékényes, Somogyudvarhely, Csurgónagymarton, Zákány, Zákányfalu 106032 4248 35955 30 1030
65 Wastewater channeling of Lengyeltóti, Buzsák, Szőlősgyörök, Balatonboglár-Szőlőskislak, Ordacsehi, Somogyvár, Öreglak. 05.06.2002. 16.07.2004. Lengyeltóti, Buzsák, Szőlősgyörök, Balatonboglár-Szőlőskislak, Ordacsehi, Somogyvár, Öreglak 115725 4066 43832 85 33
66 Wastewater channeling of  Lenti,  Bárszentmihályfa-Mumor-Lentiszombathely districts and Iklódbördőce. 01.06.2003. 29.04.2004. Lenti, Iklódbördőce 15041 606 8691 9
67 Wastewater channeling in Marcali-Boronka district, Nikla, Csömend 17.04.2002.0 30.11.2003. Marcali-Boronka városrész, Nikla, Csömend 16288 635 9917
68 Wastewater channeling in Somogyjád, Magyaregres, Somogyaszaló és Várda 18.05.2001. 31.07.2003. Somogyjád, Magyaregres, Somogyaszaló, Várda 32772 1215 10691 9
69 Wastewater channeling and construction of a common wastewater plant treatment in Barcs and 17 related villages. 17.01.2001. 30.06.2003. Barcs, Babócsa, Bélavár, Bolhó, Csokonyavisonta, Darány, Drávagárdony, Drávatamási, Heresznye, Istvándi, Kastélyosdombó, Kálmáncsa, Komlósd, Péterhida, Rinyaújlak, Somogyaracs, Szulok, Vízvár 160897 6580 84714 49 3000
70 Wastewater channeling in Somogyszob-Bolhás 10.01.2001. 22.05.2003. Somogyszob, Bolhás 22302 883 4435 3
71 Wastewater channeling in Balatonújlak, Kéthely, Somogyszentpál 01.04.1998. 30.01.2000. Kéthely, Somogyszentpál, Balatonújlak 34985 1422 12546 10
No. Name of the project Started Completed Place Technical content 
Construction of water wire  (m) Water intake  (pieces) GÖV construction (m) Pump construction (pieces) Lining (m) Network cleaning (m) Waterworks yard (pieces) Waterworks yard (m3/ day) Iron mud settle (pieces) Pressure amplifier (pieces) Water tower construction (pieces) Water tower (storage) renovation (pieces)

Agreement for planning and construction under tand West and South Transdanubian drinking water optimization program, under the conditions of FIDIC Yellow Book. Project number: KEHOP-2.1.3-15-2016-00003 regarding to Szentlőrinc, Lakócsa, Potony, Szentborbás, Tótújfalu, Csokonyavisonta, Darány, Istvándi, Taszár, Orc

17.10.2018. 18.05.2020. Szentlőrinc, Lakócsa, Potony, Szentborbás, Tótújfalu, Csokonyavis-onta, Darány, Istvándi, Taszár, Orci) 17056 27 9 133404 5 4,7 22 1

Agreement for planning and construction under the conditions of FIDIC Yellow Book and the project of Drinking water optimization in Kisláng

Project number: KEHOP-2.1.2-15-2017-00011

13.11.2018. 03.01.2020. Kisláng, hrsz: 0184/3, 0182/3, 0182/4, 385, 756, 82 138,58 20 605 1 700 1 3 1

Drinking water optimization program in Tormásliget-Iklanberény-Lócs -Halogy és Daraboshegy

15.06.2017. 27.06.2019. Daraboshegy Halogy, Iklanberény, Tormásliget 7948

Drinking water wire reconstruction in Gyenesdiás, Csokonai V. M. str and Kossuth Lajos str.

29.10.2018. 30.12.2018. Gyenesdiás 1219

Development of drinking water system under the project of Drinking water optimization program in Kislippó by the rules of FIDIC Yellow Book. Project number:  KEHOP-2.1.3-15-2016-00011

30.05.2017. 11.12.2018. Kislippó település ½, 5, 10, 18/2, 24, 52, 93/2, 101 és 136 hrsz. 1557 50 3245 1 1

Planning and construction agreement under the project of “Drinking water quality optimization” in Egyházasrádóc, Nemesrempehollós, Rádóckölked, Nagykölked és Harasztifalu by the conditions of FIDIC Yellow Book. Project number: KEHOP-2.1.1-152016-00017

12.12.2016. 11.06.2018. Egyházasrádóc, Nemesrempe-hollós, Rádóckölked, Nagykölked, Harasztifalu 3418,53 11 2

Reconstruction of drinking water system in Koppányszántó, Tolna county. Project number: KEHOP-2.1.3-15-2016-00035 under the conditions of FIDIC Red Book.

08.06.2017. 16.06.2017. Koppányszántó település Hrsz: 23/1, 205, 264, 343/2, 343/4, és 343/6-új ingatlanok 411,6 13 7567

Planning and construction of Királyegyháza and surrounding drinking water optimization program as a general contractor.

15.09.2014. 26.11.2015. Királyegyháza, Szentdénes, Sumony-Csobokapuszta, Gyöngyfa 12 559 1 1405 1 360 1 3

Planning, construction és reconstruction of Barcs micro region’s and related cities drinking water optimization program.

28.04.2014. 18.11.2015. Barcs, Babócsa, Bolhó, Komlósd, Péterhida, Somogyaracs, Drávatamási, Drávagárdony, Kastélyosdombó, Rinyaszentkirály 20 965 3 298,9 124665 3 3880 3 2
10 Integrated planning and construction works of South-Transdanubian regional drinking water optimization project in Tamási. 09.12.2014. 31.10.2015. Taszár és Orci, Tamási , Szárazd, Keszőhidegkút és Udvari települések, Somogydöröcske és Bonnya, Nagykónyi és Pári, Felsőnyék és Ozora, Kisgyalán és Fonó, Regöly, Ádánd 692 16863 2 475

Planning and construction of Gölle and Büssü (Somogy county) drinking water optimization program.

20.10.2014. 30.10.2015. Gölle, Büssü, Patalom 1 393 38 2 19985 3 396 4 1

Drinking water optimization and development of water supply in the territory of supplier ZALAVIZ Zrt., in North – and Middle Zala County.

11.12.2013. 30.09.2015. Zalaegerszeg, Bagod, Becsvölgye, Boncodfölde, Csonkahegyhát, Dobronhegy, Hagyárosbörönd, Kávás, Kiskutas, Kustánszeg, Milejszeg, Németfalu, Pálfiszeg, Teskánd, Zalaboldogfa, Zalaszentgyörgy 20 267 1108 40013 226988 1 1 3 1 2

Drinking water optimization project of Nyírbátor as a general contractor.

29.04.2014. 30.09.2015. Nyírbátor, Nyírgyulaj 8 720 35000 1 4000 2

Planning and contstruction works under the drinking water optimization program of Szigetvár micro region, municipality association.

24.03.2014. 29.09.2015. Horváthertelend, Ibafa, Almamellék, Kétújfalu, Bürüs-Várad, Zádor-Szörény, Gyöngyösmellék, Szentlászló, Antalszállás, Terecseny, Boldogasszonyfa, Somogyhárságy, Kishárságy, Antalfalu, Tótszentgyörgy, Nemeske, Kistamási Pettend, Görösgalpuszta, Molvány, Katádfa, Bánfa, Rózsaf, Szentegát, Dencsháza 34 142 7 5 973 1 16 3 2
15 Drinking water optimization and development program of Lak, Hegymeg, Szakácsi, Tomor és Irota municipalities under the conditions of FIDIC Red Book. 29.09.2014. 23.09.2015. Lak, Hegymeg, Szakácsi, Tomor és Irota 10376 52 16053 2 4 3

Dombóvár and surroundings drinking water optimization program – construction and reconstruction of drinking water system along with planning and authorization.

07.03.2014. 31.08.2015. Kaposszekcső, Csikóstőttős, Kapospula, Attala, Csoma, Szabadi, Alsóhetény, Mászlony, Nagy Pál-Telep, Alsóleperd, Szilfás, Dalmand (Újdalmand, Vörösegyháza), Kocsola, Döbrököz, Gyulaj, Kurd (Curgópuszta), Csibrák 57 855 607 4 3 814 3 9 2

Planning and construction works South Tolna Aqua Project, the micro region system build for a two-centered water supplier and cleaning equipment.

09.10.2012. 09.09.2014. Decs; Alsónána; Alsónyék; Báta; Bátaszék; Pörböly; Őcsény; Sárpilis; Szálka; Várdomb 13466 67957 14 1

Lining and construction works of Keszthely Csapás str at drinking water wire no. NA /600.

29.05.2012. 19.06.2012. Keszthely 20
No. Name of the project Start Completed Place Technical content 
Earth moving (m3) Earth embankment (m3) Embankment installation   (fm) Stone pavement (m3) Reinforced concrete structure  (m3) Bed dredging (m3) Bed coverage (m2) Starling (m2) Hydromechanization dredging (m3) Production stone (m3) Geotextile (m2)

Planning, construction and authorization of Dozmat reservoir, flood protection project in Szombathely and surrounding under the conditions of FIDIC Yellow Book and the Government decree no. 191/2009 (IX 15.)  Project number: KEHOP-1.5.0-15-2016-00008

21.08.2017.08. 24.09.2019. Vasmegye, Bucsu, Dozmat, Torony, Sé, Szombathely 132916 394 1139 33885 2864

Planning, construction and authorization of storm water reservoirs at the catchment area of Baranya channel under the conditions of FIDIC Yellow Book and the Government decree no. 191/2009 (IX.15.).

Project number: KEHOP-1.5.0-15-2016-00007

03.02.2017. 03.06.2019. Magyarszék és Magyarhertelend 312000 5400

Resconstruction of settling pond in Balatonszéplak.

12.02.2018. 31.07.2018.  Zamárdi, hrsz.: 438/2, 438/4; Siófok, hrsz.: 0315/2 29 400 1555

Planning, construction and authorization of a mobile fish grid as a general contractor.

11.12.2017. 09.04.2018. Kéthely Külterület; hrsz: 0138, Nyugati övcsatorna 5-560 km szelvény 465 748

Water habitat rehabilitation with construction of water facilities, a pond, bed dredging related to the project of “Development of water habitat in the region of Tát Archipelago”

Project number: A KEHOP 4.1.0-15-2016-00008

23.05.2017. 21.03.2018. Táti Szigetcsoport, hrsz.: Esztergom 0951a, 0951b, 0951c, 0946/1,0947,0960, Tát: 086/5, 0175a 25286 286 10278

Development of flood protection line of River Mura as a contractor.

30.06.2015. 11.11.2015. Murakeresztúr, Letenye 9393 10500

“Planning and construction in the project called “Maintenance of flood protection safety at the right bank of River Marcal”

31.05.2013. 06.10.2015. Tét, Koroncó, Győr 224211 11545 1224 390

Planning and construction in the project called “Maintenance of flood protection safety at Komárom, Almásfüzitő flood protection bay.

16.10.2013. 06.10.2015. Komárom, Almásfüzítő, Ács 639501 639501 4771 16993 407 880 16663 180720

Reconstruction of reeds and the lake’s water substitute channels at Lake Fertő.

16.07.2014. 28.09.2015. Fertő-tó 211700 107800

Development of water substitute system on the wave field at safe area of Szigetköz for ecological reasons. Part I. Wave field side: lower section of branch system on the wave field, and water substitution of branch systems Bagamér and Patkányos.

10.05.2012. 02.04.2015. Győrzámoly, Ásványráró 180100 530 73700

Construction of little Balaton water protection system Part. II.

13.04.2012. 13.02.2015. Keszthely, Sármellék, Zalavár, Balatonmagyaród, Zalakomár, Alsópáhok, Főnyed, Vörs, Balatonszentgyörgy, Szőkedencs 4800 1100 110615 9864 1620 3300

Development of water substitute system on the wave field at safe area of Szigetköz for ecological reasons. Part II.: Rehabilitation and development of channel network at the safe area along with related water substitution, restraining and water level regulator facilities. Construction of the facilities leading from the wave field to the safe area.

09.05.2012. 23.12.2014. Dunakiliti, Dunasziget, Halászi, Püski, Darnózseli, Hédervár, Lipót, Kisbajcs, Nagybajcs, Vámosszabadi, Győrladamér, Dunaszeg, Győrzámoly, Vének, Ásványráró, Győr 83891 83891 999 1340 292248 6200

Revitalization project of reservoir Nagy-Pándzsa.

11.11.2009. 30.09.2011. Győr 10014 7282 262 77607 11083 283 30070

Organization of estuary of Rivers Dráva – Mura.

19.02.2010. 17.02.2011. Őrtilos 1275 11317 8846

Construction of Lukácsháza reservoir.

02.09.2009. 11.10.2010. Lukácsháza, Kőszeg, Kőszegdoroszló 375000 375000 2405 1020 1194

“Bay of Old project” – Construction at the left embankment of River Dráva.

09.03.2009. 27.07.2010. Old, Alsószentmárton 337915 147350 5100
No.  Name of the project Start Completed Place Technical content
Utility wire (m) Rainwater drainage (m) Others

Reconstruction of Babóchay str. and construction of the connection between Museum square and Rozgonyi str.

17.10.2019. 22.12.2020. Nagykanizsa, Babóchay utca

“Health resort development 2020.” – Part I. – rainwater drainage.

Project number: GINOP-7.1.9.-17-2017-00004

17.10.2020. 10.12.2020. Zalakaros, 261/40, 288/11, 311/1, 312, 313/1, 313/2, 313/3, hrsz

“Zalakaros Health Resort complex tourist development” Part II.

Project number: GINOP-7.1.9.-17-2017-00004

14.08.2019. 10.12.2020. Zalakaros, 313/1, 313/2, 313/3, 312, 656/2, 261/40, 311/1, 288/11 hrsz

Contract for implementing of 5 civil engineering project elements.

10.04.2019. 24.07.2020. Nagykanizsa: Szigeti, Majális, Vörösmarty str, Platán ave, bridge over the Principális channel

Zalaegerszeg North Industrial Zone pre-utility works, planning and construction of road and water utilities.

Project number: TOP-6.1.1-15-ZL1-2016-00001

20.05.2019. 14.04.2020. Zalaegerszeg,  Kispáli 5338,8 2744,7 utility lighting – 1274 m, road building-  840 m long, 7 m wide coverage, 1 roundabout

Installation and renovation of district heating network, construction or reconstruction of 20 heat centers in Kaposvár

06.08.2018. 29.10.2019. Kaposvár Kanizsai str, pit marked EA1 , along Béke str to F and B2  heat center, and Sávház heat center to  a Kisfaludy Primary School and the Sports hall. 2563,1 m – district heating installation  and renovation, diameter DN65 – DN400-ig, Pressure: PN16 bar

Development of Széchenyi str in Hévíz as a contractor.

19.03.2018. 26.06.2019. Hévíz, Széchenyi u. 932/6, 932/7, 932/8, 933/5 hrsz. watering pipes- 8950 m, geo textile – 2099 m2, soil compaction – 7464 m2, earth works –  2035 m3, ground organization – 3276 m2, paving stone 7237,7 m2, pavement- 4024,5 m

Re-design of Ady str to a walking street, renovation of Hunyadi str and Zrínyi str. Part I.

05.07.2018. 30.04.2019. Nagykanizsa hrsz: 1960/8 Dissolution of former road and construction of a new walking street. Paving stone –  8 cm thick and 6 cm thick clincker brick coverage and pavements. Construction of rainwater drainage system with connection to the public utility channel.

Street furniture (benches, trach cans, flower pots) Final technical traffic works: traffic signs, road marks.


Re-design of Ady str to a walking street, renovation of Hunyadi str and Zrínyi str. Part III.

05.07.2018. 30.04.2019. Nagykanizsa: 2281, 1960/8, 2282, 2436, 1960/9 hrsz, 2412 Dissolution of former road and construction of a new walking street. Paving stone –  8 cm thick and 6 cm thick clincker brick coverage and pavements.  Construction of rainwater drainage system with connection to the public utility channel. Dissolution of traffic lines construction of a new base layer, Asphalt structural layers with AC22/F asphalt bond layer and AC-11/F asphalt wear layer, Reconstruction of public utility lines, final technical traffic works: traffic signs, road marks, pedestrian crossing.

Road and utility works on the grounds came from the division of the property no. 15465 in Zalaegerszeg.

08.05.2018. 28.12.2018. Zalaegerszeg  HRSZ.: 15465/1, 15465/8, 0821, 15373/2, 0828/8, 15452, 0788/33, 15465/7 1102,3 346,5  Road works: road F: 459m (0,46 Km) long, 6 m wide pavement, 2*1 lines, asphalt coverage , road G j: 60 m long, 6 m wide pavement, road w basalt crash coverage 

Electronic wire: 0,4 kV public utility lighting – 504,8 m long cable, energy suppler cable –  107,5 m h, 14 pieces of new lamp post


Maintenance of utility infrastructure in Zánka Erzsébet Camp.

11.06.2018. 21.12.2018. Zánkai Erzsébet Camp, 8251, Zánka  030/15 hrsz. Utility maintenance, drinking water well, water tower, wastewater plant treat, wastewater channels, heating system, fence  reinforcement

Construction of access road between Zalaegerszeg and Kispáli, rainwater drainage facilities between the recipent brook Ságod.

12.04.2018. 08.10.2018. 8900 Zalaegerszeg 0787, 0791/1, 0768/7, 0778/1, 0770 hrsz 648,9 Utility building construction on brook Ságod

Rainwater drainage in Vasvár Part. I.

Project number: TOP-2.1.3-15-VS-2016-00002

07.12.2017. 28.09.2018. Vasvár 1516 construction and reconstruction of open and closed rainwater channel

Construction of basic infrastructure and road related to Lábod industrial zone.

Project number: TOP_1.1.1-15-SO1-2016-00001

01.04.2018. 14.05.2018. Lábod Industrial Zone 401/1 hrsz. and 401/10 hrsz. 270,8 Renovation of road no. 401/1 hrsz., widening 393 m long, on 401/10 hrsz. area construction of new road  134 m long, 5,00 m widen, construction of a complete lighting system of the square

Functional development of Nagykanizsa downtown area plan Part II. Disconnection of Museum square, the square in front of the Government Office, reconstruction of drinking water and wastewater utilities in Fő str. Nagykanizsa.

24.07.2015. 27.04.2016. Nagykanizsa 2877 playground, public utility lighting, electronic wiring, traffic control, ground organization, watering system, road works

Reconstruction of Nagykanizsa downtown with the connection of Petőfi and Magyar streets.

16.07.2010.07.16 29.06.2012. Nagykanizsa 1175 6 road works, traffic control, public utility lighting

Reconstruction of Nagykanizsa downtown on Erzsébet square.

01.03.2011. 29.06.2012. Nagykanizsa 512 358 Fountain basin, earth works, ground organization, public lighting, structural engineering, reinforced concrete, wall, telecommunication, road works, traffic control, water utilities



Rainwater drainage in Szepetnek.

05.11.2009. 30.12.2010. Szepetnek 16612 open and closed water drainage, gates

Reconstruction of Nagykanizsa downtown on Huszti square.

15.07.2010. 31.10.2010. Nagykanizsa roundabout, public lighting, lamp posts

Reconstruction of Nagykanizsa downtown: connection of Zrínyi and Teleki streets.

15.07.2010. 28.10.2010. Nagykanizsa 231 road works, traffic  control, rainwater drainage, electric wiring, public lighting, drinking water system, telecommunications, gas wiring, landscape works

Construction of a bicycle road in Lenti.

09.06.2009. 30.11.2009. Lenti 1527 Bicycle road – 3877 m long, 3 m wide, totally 11.631 m2

Water utility works in Lengyeltóti.

22.05.2009. 30.10.2009. Lengyeltóti 731 open ditch water drainage with gates

Rainwater drainage in Marcali.

28.11.2008. 15.07.2009. Marcali város közigazgatási területe 8659 open and closed system water drainage

Water utility works, rainwater drainage in Balatonlelle Napospart walkway and the surrounding lakeside area.

Project number: DDOP 5.1.5/B

25.03.2009. 29.06.2009. Balatonlelle  Napospart walkway, Móló walkway, Szent István street 902 Road reconstruction : 652,38 m2, Pavement: 150,00 fm

Economic development and reconstruction and rehabilitation of former army base (Thury) buildings in Nagykanizsa.

20.01.2006. 10.09.2007. Nagykanizsa 4163 1846 1-349 m road (9.084m2), 597 fm bicycle road (1.791m2), landscape works, electronic network, public lamps 65 pieces, building dissoluition, ammuniation removal, damage optimization

Construction of route marked “A” in the area of Nagykanizsa Industrial Zone and logistic centre.

03.03.2006. 23.05.2007. Nagykanizsa  Hrsz: 4378/1; 4378/12; 4378/21; 649/15; 649/16 4746 Road mark „A” (closed rainwater drainage) 11.680 m2, public lighting, lamp posts 68 pieces

Rehabilitation of a brown field area in Marcali.

06.06.2005. 30.06.2006. Marcali 611 181 30 000 m2 park construction
No. Name of the projcet Start Completed Place Technical content
Geotextile (m2)

Recultivation of solid waste yard in Nagykanizsa 01003 and 01004/15 hrsz, Part II. by the contract details of FIDIC Red book. Project number: KEOP 2.3.0./2F/09-2010-0003.

05.08.2015. 30.11.2015. Nagykanizsa 01003 and 01004/15 hrsz                                   25 700

Development of solid waste treatment yard in Nagykanizsa, Bagola 01004/3 hrsz. for NNP Ltd.


05.08.2013. 17.12.2013. Nagykanizsa, Bagola külterület 01004/3 hrsz.                                     9 380

Development of solid waste treatment yard in Nagykanizsa, Bagola

01.12.2008. 01.09.2009. Nagykanizsa, Bagola 01004/3 hrsz                                     9 300
No. Name of the project Start Completed Place Technical content

Accommodation development of the monastery in Bucsuszentlaszló . Project number: EFOP-2.2.2-17-2017-00028

27.04.2020. 26.02.2021. Esztergályhorváti, Felsőrajk Vaspör BucsuszentIászIó-ZaIa Megyei Fagyöngy United Institute
4 new residential building.
Building’s net floor area:
Esztergályhorváti 205/3 hrsz: 200,06 m2
Esztergályhorváti 205/1 hrsz: 200,06 m2
Felsőrajk 377 hrsz: 199,98 m2
Vaspör 127,/2 hrsz: 198,85 m2
4 buildings totally: 798,95 m2
Height of the building: 4,27 m
2 Renovation of  Vönöczky Schenk Jakab Research centre and construction and reconstruction of a commercial building.

Project number: KEHOP-4.2.0-15-2016-00003

Project name:  Development of natural reserve area territory guard efficiency in National Park of Lake Balaton.

17.01.2020. 22.01.2021.01.22 Kis-Balaton, Schenk Jakab Kutatóház
8360 Keszthely, Fenékpuszta 0401/2. hrsz.
Extension, renovation of commercial building, and the renovation of  Vönöczky Schenk Jakab research centre.

Drilling of new wells, renovation of existing ones and the renovation of commercial building in Salföld.

Project number: KEHOP-4.1.0-15-2016-00021

Project name: Integrated development of grazing infrastructure in Kál basin and Little Balaton area in order to terrain organization for nature protection purpose

05.10.2020. 16.12.2020. Salföld, 0473/4 hrsz Buildings’ net floor area:
1. covered – open part  189,92 m 2
2. covered – open part  109,91 m 2
3. covered – open part  101,36 m 2
4. storage 31,43 m 2
5. storage 15,14 m 2
6. storage 47,40 m 2
7. storage ‘15,77 m 2
Floor totally: 510,93 m 2

Construction of gym and fencing hall.

06.08.2019. 15.12.2020. 8900 Zalaegerszeg, Zárda u. 25.

No. of Floors: 4.

Useful floor area: 3799,12m2

Arena: 1102,42m2

Social and utility areas:

Ground floor: 799,08m2

1. floor: 578,12m2

2. floor : 163,31m2

Roof terrace: 185,44m2

3. floor: 123,03m2

Fencing hall arena: 684,68m2

Fencing hall social and service area:

Ground floor: 188,89m2

  1. floor: 159,39m2

Roof terrace : 41,99m2

Net floor area: 366,08m2

General contractor

Energetic development of Government Office of Somogy County in Kaposvár, Nagy Imre square 1. (HRSZ 351/3)”

02.12.2019. 20.11.2020. 7400 Kaposvár, Nagy Imre tér 1.

Renovation and modernization of a 8.612m2 building

Construction of a visitors centre, commercial building and covered stage in place of an existing sports ground

Project number: GINOP-7.1.9-17-2017-00004

Project name: Complex tourist development of Zalakaros health resort


14.08.2019. 20.11.2020. Zalakaros, 261/40, 288/11, 311/1, 312, 313/1, 313/2, 313/3, hrsz

Earthmoving works

Ground organization: 1.100m3

Geotextile dividing from soil (150gr/m2) 10% cutting waste: 56m2

Gravel (O fraction free) layer, thickness: 30 cm thick (1.SUD: 18m2, 2.SUD: 17m2, 3.SUD: 16m2)

lawn carpet: 1.670m2

sandy soil mix  (735 m2) thickness: 30 cm,  221m3


Lawn: 8.600m2

Construction of a summer youth hostel in Zalakaros Spa.

1.02.42020. 28.04.2020. 8749 Zalakaros, Termál u. 4.

Renovated area’s useful floor area:  578,32m2

Reconstruction was accomplished in Zalakaros Spa, Northern entrance building’s first floor.

Reconstruction, extension and development of the office building of Szabadics Inc. in Nagykanizsa

05.07.2019. 16.04.2020. 8800 Nagykanizsa, Király u. 4.

General outdoor and indoor renovation of the property.

Construction of Little Balaton Visitors Centre and the development of Fekete István Memorial on Diás Island, Little Balaton Natural reserve area.

Project number: GINOP-7.1.5-16-00002

07.11.2018. 20.02.2020. Keszthely -Fenékpuszta külterület HRSZ:0401/2

Net floor area of visitors centre: 976,5 m2. Architectural works, structural engineering, professional works, building engineering, electric works, kitchen technology, road works, landscape planning and gardening, interior design, exhibition technology, learning trail, public utility works.

Renovation of the facade of Kvártélyház Theatre

26.10.2018. 19.12.2019. 8900 Zalaegerszeg Széchenyi tér 3-5

Renovation, and change of doors and windows on the facade.

Renovation of facade decorations, facade reconstruction, surface treatment, change of metal sheets, correction of slate covering, wall isolation, correction of ventilated plinth, renovation of tin elements, surface treatment on fences and grids, bird protection.

Construction of a sauna world in Zalakaros Spa, Zalakaros, Termál út 4. szám 264/18 hrsz.

04.03.2019. 29.11.2019. Zalakaros, Termál út 4. helyrajzi szám 264/18 hrsz

Gross floor area 291,75 m2, from that useful floor area: ground floor: 174,07 m2, 1st floor 229,81 m2, totally: 403,88 m2.

Accommodation development with construction of residential buildings.

Project number: EFOP-2.2.2-17-2017-00028. – Part I.

13.08.2018. 29.11.2019. 8999 Zalalövő, Kossuth Lajos utca 21, hrsz.936/5, 8921 Zalaszentiván, Kossuth Lajos utca 21 hrsz.:180/2

Construction of 2 new residential buildings.

Buildings net floor area: Zalalövő 936/5 hrsz._ 198,85 m2, Zalaszentiván 180/2 hrsz: 198,85 m2, 2 db épület összesen: 397,70 m2, Height of the buildings: 4,27 m

Reconstruction of the existing educational building of BGE University to a knowledge centre, the extension of the building with elevators and canopies in Zalaegerszeg, Gasparich str 18/a.

10.04.2019. 25.10.2019. Zalaegerszeg, Gasparich u 18/a, 4815/5 helyrajzi szám

Building: ground floor+3 floors totally 5160,99 m2

Accommodation development with construction of residential buildings.

Project number: EFOP-2.2.2-17-2017-00012 – Part I.

14.09.2018. 30.09.2019. 9700 Szombathely, Szőlős utca, Hrsz. 11323/2, 9761 Táplánszentkereszt, Táncsics Mihaly utca, Hrsz.  :348/6, 9761 Táplánszentkereszt, Táncsics Mihaly utca, Hrsz.:348/8, Táplánszentkereszt, Táncsics Mihaly street lot no:348/9, Táplánszentkereszt, Táncsics Mihaly utca, Hrsz.:348/10, 9700 Szombathely, Színyei Merse Pál utca, Hrsz.: 5554/3

6 pieces of 200 m2 1 apartment single storey building, where 12 disabled people can be accommodated.

Barrier – free building – 6 double rooms, 1 living – dining room, 3 barrier free bathrooms w toilet-

Concrete: 820 m3, estrich 1175 m2, wall 3025 m2, roof: 2040 m2, plaster 3900 m2, cover 1800 m2, doors and windows – indoor / outdoor – 180 db, thermal isolation, waterproofing 5350 m2, covers: 900 m2.

Construction of an autobus station in Lenti.

26.11.2018. 27.09.2019. 8960 Lenti, hrsz: 997

Basic information: useful net floor area: 367,71 m2(A,B,C,D building), additional floor area, covered ny: 515, 89 m2 (C,/C/1, C/2, C/3 building), built in %: 20,90, green area %. 15,17, height of the building: 3,85 m,

Including: structural works, building and professional works, road works, landscape building, gardening, electric works, building engineering, weak current works

Construction and related works of Little Balaton Visitors Centre and the development of Fekete István Memorial on Diás Island, Little Balaton Natural reserve area.

Project number: GINOP-7.1.5-16-00002

07.11.2018. 20.09.2019. Keszthely-Fenékpuszta, külterület 0374/11 hrsz

Renovation of Diás szigeti Fekete István memorial and Matula hut

Quantities: net floor: 83,5 m2, dissolution of brick dividing walls 70 m2, dissolution of chimney pillars 5 m3, dissolution of indoor doors: 12 m2, dissolution of wood floor 45 m2, dissolution of ceramic floor cover : 60 m2, dissolution of reed roof cover: 220 m, subgrade concrete: 4m3, synthetic resin floor covert: 80 m2, reed roof cover:200 m2, concrete substructure: 5 m3, renovation and paint of windows 12 m2, plaster correction 200m2, drywall ceiling: 80 m2, indoor wallpaint: 150 m2, outdoor wallpaint:  120 m2, creating an exhibition 83,5 m2

Reconstruction and renovation and of existing building with barrier free accessibility for EMMI’s Special Children’s Care home centre, Primary, and Secondary School in Zalaegerszeg. 06.08.2019. 25.08.2019. 8900 Zalaegerszeg Posta utca 144, Hrsz.: 061/2

Renovated and extended net floor area 314,74 m2.

Renovation and energetic development of Zalakaros Spa’s Health Centre building, indoor and outdoor pools and it’s surroundings.

10.08.2018.08.10 30.06.2019. 8749 Zalakaros Termál út 4, hrsz.: 264/18

Paving stone: 2000 m2,heated walkway: 100 m2, watering system: 700 m2, lawn making: 2000 m2, channling: 120 m, roof change: 2000 m2, change 2 pieces of glass domes: 100 m2, structural modifications on pools with reinforced concrete – 200 m2 reinforced concrete, pool coverage, waterproofing  800 m2, covers: 900 m2, changing of wood doors and windows with outdoor tin layer: 300 m2, utility tunnel 120 m, air engineering: 300 m + 200 m, public utility wires: 150 m, grinding of wood cover, paint: 3000 m2, KO35Ti 2 line railing : 35 fm,  foot wash basins with water circulation: 3 pc, 1 pc 15 nm 2-es and 1 db 294 m2  medicinal water pool complete engineering renovation, construction of a 35 m, 1 pc 15 m2 saltwater pool.

Accommodation development with construction of residential buildings.

Project number: EFOP-2.2.2-17-2017-00023

13.08.2018. 14.06.2019. 8866 Becsehely, Kossuth Lajos út 331, helyrajzi szám:1077, 8866 Becsehely, Iskola utca, helyrajzi szám 55/6, 8864 Tótszerdahely, Béke utca 12., helyrajzi szám: 48

3 residential buildings, net floor area: Becsehely: 1077 hrsz: 193,33 m2, Becsehely 55/6 hrsz: 191,41 m2, Tótszerdahely 48 hrsz: 191,41 m2, 3 pc totally: 576,15 m2, height: 4,27 m

Planning and construction of a meat processing plant as a general contractor in Máriahalom hrsz 1301.

2018.07.05 2019.05.31 2527 Máraihalom, külterület hrsz.: 0104/10

Meat processing plant, road, walkways, utility buildings, fence, planning and authorization. Net floor area:  573,95 m2.

Accommodation development with construction of residential buildings.

Project number: EFOP-2.2.2-17-2017-00026 – Part I.

01.08.2018. 31.05.2019. 8741 Zalaapáti, Jókai Mór utca 121. helyrajzi szám:68/5; 8741 Zalaapáti, Jókai Mór utca 107. helyrajzi szám: 79; 8741 Zalaapáti, Deák Ferenc utca helyrajzi szám: 588/6; 8741 Zalaapáti, Deák Ferenc u.  helyrajzi szám: 588/9

4 residential buildings, room for 12 people, net 199,43 m2

Quantities: concrete 623 m2, walls 1650 m2, roof 1252 m2, plaster 2312 m2, cold covers 812 m2, warm covers  352 m2, doors and windows 52 db, cover 3248 m2, thermal isolation1699 m2, facade isolation, paint 828 m2, waterproofingk 1107 m2, fence 496 fm.

Accommodation development with construction of residential buildings.

Project number: EFOP-2.2.2-17-2017-00026 – Part II.

13.08.2018. 31.05.2019. 8741 Zalaapáti, Deák Ferenc u. 3 Hrsz.: 582/1

Net floor area 619 m2, 1st floor 589 m2, total net floor area: 1208 m2, Quantities: paint 1298 m2, cold covers: 175 m2, wood floor gridding, warnishing: 250 m2, drywall ceiling: 32,4 m2, concrete: 14,4 m3, waterproofing: 180 m2, pavement cover: 69 m2, roof cover with tile 48 m2, 250 db electronic assembly, lighting

Accommodation development with construction of residential buildings.

Project number: EFOP-2.1.1-16-2017-00023

05.09.2018. 30.04.2019. 8900 Zalaegerszeg, Posta utca 144 hrsz.: 061/2

3 pieces children care home – 3×8. Net floor area of the buildings:

A: 140,68 m2, B: 140,68 m2, C: 140,68 m2 Totally 422,04 m2, Height: 4,06 m

Renovation of a worker’s hostel in Zalaegerszeg, Vizslaparki u. 48.

10.05.2018. 30.04.2019. Zalaegerszeg, Vizslaparki út 48.

Net floor area: 3020 m2, Net floor area – ground floor:    723 m2, I. net floor area – first floor: 821 m2, net floor area -a 2nd floor: 819 m2, Attic floor area: 657 m2

Energetic development of Social and Children’s care General Directorate in Zalaegerszeg Landorhegyi str. 35.

Project number: KEHOP-5.2.2/16-2016-00021

18.12.2017. 18.04.2019. 8900 Zalaegerszeg Landorhegyi út 35. hrsz.:4983

Correction of outdoor terrain steps, steam technology, plasters, painting, plinth plasters, drywall profiles, drywall ceiling, tinning, plastic ledge at PVC doors and windows 179 fm, painting, waterproofing of rainwater, flat roof thermal and sound isolation, thermal isolation,

roof thermal and sound isolation

Accommodation development with construction of residential buildings.

Project number: EFOP-2.2.2-17-2017-00028

13.08.2018. 01.04.2019. 8925 Búcsúszentlászló, Arany János u. 17. Hrsz.: 305

Construction of 1 service centre with indoor modifications and renovation. Net floor area: 480,04 m2. Building professional works, plaster (indoor and outdoor), surface treatment, indoor painting, doors and windows build in, barrier free accessibility, cold covers, building engineering (water supply, waste water treatment) change of a sanitar 2  urinals, 6 toilets, 4 sinks, 4 shower faucet

Accommodation development with construction of residential buildings.

Project number: EFOP-2.2.2-17-2017-00026 – Part II.

13.08.2018. 01.04.2019. 8741 Zalaapáti, Deák Ferenc utca 3. hrsz.:582/1

Renovation of service centre: net floor area of ground floor: 619 m2, 1st floor 589 m2, net floor totally: 1208 m2. Paintings: 1298 m2, cold cover: 175 m2, wood floor gridding, varnshing: 250 m2, drywall ceiling: 32,4 m2, concrete: 14,4 m3, waterproofing: 180 m2, pavement cover 69 m2, roof cover with tile: 48 m2, 250 db electronic assembly, lighting

Construction of a 151 unit residential building as a general contractor in Balatonlelle, Honvéd str. 3116. hrsz.

20.03.2017. 31.03.2019. Balatonlelle, Honvéd utca 70. 3116 hrsz.

Net floor area: A: 2883.17 m2, B: 2883.17 m2, C: 10 830,75 m2, Totally: 16 597,09 m2, Useful: A  2 313.05 m2, B  2 313, 05 m2, C : 9 312,16 m2, Totally: 13 938, 26 m2, Terrace floor area: A: 570,12 m2, B: 570,12 m2, C: 1518,59 m2, Totally 2658,83 m2, Walkways, playground: 1 174,61 m2, Parking lot with concrete pavement stone cover, inside roads: 1 825,52 m2, Totally: 3 000,13 m2, Green area: 4 334, 19m2

Modernization of a pig farm.

Project number: VP2_4.1.1.5-16

11.04.2018. 28.03.2019. 8726 Somogycsicsó, Csicsópuszta 051 hrsz.

5147 m2 large pig breeder building with social rooms. Hall: 5021,44 m2, social block: 125,56 m2

Construction of a training swimming pool in Füzesgyarmat, Kossuth Lajos str.  88. 12.04.2016.04.12 27.03.2019. Füzesgyarmat város közigazgatási területe, Kossuth Lajos utca 88. 512/30 hrsz.

Net floor area: 1286,6 m2, height: 10,79 m, pool: 60 m2, 48 m3 water volume, water temperature: 32 °C, swimming pool:375 m2, 712,5 m3 water volume, temperature 28°C. Reinforced concrete engineering cellar: 180 m2, swimming pool surge tank (P2): 7,2 m2,

Swimming pool surge tank (P3):12,3 m2, Ground floor 1090,4 m2, Canopy: 15 m2 Attica: 135 m2, Swimming pool hall: 820 m2, road works: 700 m2 asphalt „B” load class, Parking lot: 110 m2 pavement stone cover. „A” loading class, walkway: 200 m2 pavement stone „A” load class, Engineering: Bosch ZBR 100-3 condensation gas boiler, electric cables: 81 kW, Type of main cable: earth cable NAYY-J 4x150mm2.

Construction of commercial building for Csicsó Pig Ltd.

25.09.2018. 15.03.2019. 8726 Somogycsicsó, Csicsópuszta 039. hrsz.

3 pc 3000 t silp (188m 2/pc), elevator mine (18m2), cleaning and dust chambers (38 m2), grain product receiver channels and wall. Quantities: -concrete C30/37-XC2-24 F2 1150 m2, -steel (D78-20mm és net) 106t, – formwork 1450 m2

Renovation of a guest house in Zalaegerszeg, Alsóerdő Sport and Recreation Centre, supported by Program for modern cities. 11.06.2018. 25.02.2019. Zalaegerszeg város közigazgatási területe, Alsóerdei út mellett, a 24501/2 hrsz-ú ingatlanon (H-8900 Zalaegerszeg, Azéleás utca)

Ground: 1615 m2, built in area: 484,5 m2. Modernization of existing building 293 m2 rooftop dissolution, 144 m2 facade stand, 104 m2 formwork, 7m3 subgrade concrete, 10,30 m3 concrete, 150 m2 wall, 293 m2 carpenter and roof works, 303 m2 facade plaster, 150 m2 drywall, 361 m2 cold cover, 1520 m2 thermal isolation, 140 m2 Lindab cover, 24 pc outdoor windows and doors, 26 db indoor windows and doors

Accommodation development with construction of residential buildings.

Project number: EFOP-2.2.2-17-2017-00008 – Part I.

28.08.2018. 24.02.2019. Somogyvár: Kossuth Lajos utca 104., hrsz 194, Petőfi Sándor utca 69, hrsz 906, Petőfi Sándor utca, hrsz 942, Öreglak: Kossuth Lajos utca 2., hrsz406/3, Kossuth Lajos utca 65., 406/5, Kossuth Lajos utca 15., hrsz 422, Kéthely: Honvéd utca 37., hrsz 386/2, Sugár utca hrsz 597/6 és 620/2 Rákóczi Ferenc utca 11., hrsz 770, Május 1. u. 44 hrsz 927, Vár utca, hrsz 1026

12 pc new residential buildings (net 182 m2, 10 pc room for 12 people 2 pc room for 10 peoples). Ground floor buildings: 6 rooms 2(1) db barrier-free bathrooms, 2(3) pc bathrooms, toilet, shower blocks, kitchen, lobby, corridor, living room, utility rooms: heating system and loundrey, chamber. 12 buildings totally: 2 628 m2. Quantities: concrete 792 m2, walls 5168 m2, roof 2532 m2. plaster 20030 m2., drywall 2184 m2, cold cover 2565 m2, warm cover 2160 m2, indoor and outdoor doors and windows 456 pc, surface treatment 22532 m2, thermal isolation and waterproofing 27480 m2, pavement cover 952 m2, fence 1903 fm.

Construction works for Social and Children’s care General Directorate in Győr-Moson-Sopron Megye 16 HRSZ., 9734 Peresznye, Erdősor 1. – Part  II.

Project number: EFOP-2.2.2-17-2017-00005

14.08..2018. 10.12.2018. 9734 Peresznye, Erdősor 1.

1 community building, renovation a gross floor area 270 m2, indoor water supply and wastewater treatment, building professional works, painting, covers, electric installation.

Reconstruction and renovation of guard service’s office building and commercial building in Szolnok, Rezeda utca 20.

11.10.2017. 20.11.2018. Hortobágyi Nemzeti Park Őrszolgálati Irodaépülete, 5000 Szolnok, Rezeda utca 20.

Terrace, main building, backside building structural, engineering, electric modernization and renovation.

Energetic development of Keszthely Életfa Nursery, in Sopron str., Zöldmező str Primary School, Special Secondary School and Kollégium and students home, and United Special Education Institution.

Project number: TOP-3.2.1-15-ZA1-2016-00031

02.05.2018. 26.09.2018. I. részajánlati kör: Keszthely, Soproni utca 16.; 1979 hrsz, II. részajánlati kör: Keszthely, Zöldmező utca 2.; 2896/16 hrsz

“Keszthely Életfa Nursery Sopron str nursery: energetic development  Zöldmező str. Primary School, Special Secondary School and students home, United Special Education Institute.

“Development of Nagyatád Hospital” – Construction of a CT diagnose workplace in building “C”, Nagyatád hospital. – II.

27.06.2018. 18.09.2018. 7500 Nagyatád, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Endre utca 1.

Construction of a CT diagnose workplace, waiting room, changing rooms, barrier-free bathrooms, preparing room, CT examination room, treatment rooms, radiation protection drywall walls, doors, development of building engineering, heating system modernization, cooling and ventilation system

Development of a livestock farm, modernization of pig farms.

Project number: VP2-4.1.15-16

16.05.2017. 16.07.2018. Iharosberény külterület (Pádpuszta) 0115/7 hrsz.

Formwork and stands: 4257,9 m2, wall formwork , 1218.24 m2 column formwork, 1447,75 m2, facade stand, dissolution, earth and rock moving works, 15759 m3 earth moving, 1249 m2 reinforced concrete, grid floor, wall building and other professional works, carpenter, plastering, roof covering, cold and warm covers, tinning, wood and PVC installation, metal doors and windows, metal works, 27 lighting domes, surface treatment, isolation, road cover, electric installation, building engineering, installation of machines and facilities.

Development of a livestock farm, modernization of pig farms.

Project number: VP2-4.1.15-16

16.05.2017. 16.07.2018. Iharosberény külterület (Pádpuszta) 0115/7 hrsz.

Formwork and stands: 4257,9 m2, wall formwork , 1218.24 m2 column formwork, 1447,75 m2, facade stand, dissolution, earth and rock moving works, 15759 m3 earth moving, 1249 m2 reinforced concrete, grid floor, wall building and other professional works, carpenter, plastering, roof covering, cold and warm covers, tinning, wood and PVC installation, metal doors and windows, metal works, 27 lighting domes, surface treatment, isolation, road cover, electric installation, building engineering, installation of machines and facilities.

Energetic development of the property in Nagykanizsa, Sugár str. 4.

Project number: KEHOP-2.1.3-15-2016-00011

30.01.2018. 10.05.2018. 8800 Nagykanizsa, Sugár u. 4., 1186 hrsz.

473,81 m2 facade thermal isolation, renovation of facade decoration,  plinth stone coverage 31,98 m2, isolation of roof 397,03 m2, roof cover  with tile 414,85 m2, tinning, 66 pc facade doors and windows, central heating installation, water supply, wastewater channeling, condensation gas heating system, change of lightings, solar panel system installation.

Construction of police objects in Nagykanizsa, Erdész str 26.

06.08.2017. 31.03.2018. Nagykanizsa, Erdész utca 26.

Floor area: 3535 m2, Ground floor useful area: 2984,28 m2, 1st floor useful floor area 2149,54 m2, 2nd floor useful floor area 1854,51 m2, Useful floor area totally: 6988,33 m2

Development and construction of a livestock farm in Drávaszentes.

Project number: KEHOP-4.1.0-15-2015-00003

07.07.2017. 02.01.2018. Duna-Dráva Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, Barcs-Drávaszentes állattartó telep, Barcs-Drávaszentes 0912/1 hrsz. ingatlan (Natura 2000 területen)

Social buildings 106,93 m2, veterinary room, changing room, shower, toilet, 3 closed storage, grey cattle stand 428,87 m2, road works, rainwater ditch, fence 1400 m, ground organization, gardening, tree planting, water supply and waste water channeling

Railway construction and planning works on:

Szántód-Kőröshegy (bez) – Balatonszentgyörgy (kiz) railway, objects, overhead line, road works and related safety, structural engineering, telecommunication, public utility lighting, cable change works.

Renovation of Fonyód -Kaposvár line, construction of P+R and B+R parking lots in Kapostüskevár and Osztopán.

Project number: TED-2015/S-211-382077

11.09.2017. 15.09.2017. Kaposvár, 36. sz. vv.; Kapostüskésvár megállóhely, Osztopán település-vasút állomás

216 m D300 concrete and 14 m D200 concrete rainwater channel, 230m pavement, 600m pavement , and 481m garden pavement, 1597m2 walkway from concrete pavement, parking lot and bicycle storage, 1646m2 asphalt cover and bicycle storage.

Energetic development in Szombathely, Wesselényi Miklós str 7., in the project of Enviromental- and energy efficiency operative program.

23.01.2017. 16.06.2017. 9700 Szombathely, Wesselényi Miklós u. 7.

Architectural and engineering works on the main and the yard buildings, solar system installation with internet base remote monitoring.

Renovation and extension of Sótonyi László Sport-and leisure centre, construction of a swimming pool related to the sports hall.

14.12.2015. 31.05.2017. Csurgó város közigazgatási területe (Csurgó, Sárgáti utca hrsz: 989/182

1054 m2 substructure of pool, structure, professional works,1170 m2 area substructure, structure, professional works. Building engineering, technology, road works, public utility, ground organization.

Construction of the National Handball Academy Sports Hall.

04.04.2015. 31.05. 2016.05.31 Balatonboglár, Hrsz: 1262/17

Net floor area: 5249 m2, Hall: nettó 3450 m2, Sports ground: grandstand for 536 people, 3426 m2 wood floor cover arena, totally 1536 pc fixed and mobile viewing area. Net floor area of service places: 1799 m2,  changing rooms: 4 rooms for 25 people with bathrooms.  2 db caach and 2 judges changing room. Bathrooms: 318,2 m2.

Construction of the National Handball Academy Sports Hall.

04.04.2015. 31.05.2016. Balatonboglár, Hrsz: 1262/17

Net floor area: 5249 m2, Hall: nettó 3450 m2, Sports ground: grandstand for 536 people, 3426 m2 wood floor cover arena, totally 1536 pc fixed and mobile viewing area. Net floor area of service places: 1799 m2,  changing rooms: 4 rooms for 25 people with bathrooms.  2 db caach and 2 judges changing room. Bathrooms: 318,2 m2

Construction of  an outdoor slide park in Zalakaros.

15.06.2016. 25.05.2016.05.25 Zalakaros 264/18

Extension of slide park with 5 new slides:  Z1 MAGIC TUNNEL closed, water request: 280 m3/h, width: 400mm/2500mm, length: 133,46 m, start height: 12,75m2, Z2 UFO closed and open,: water request: 120m3/h+40 m3/h, widht 800mm+ 1000 mm, lenght: 90m+19,5 m, start height 18,19m, Z3 KAMIKAZEopen, water request 120 m3/h width: 1000 mm, length:47,8 m, start height: 18,19m, Z4 TURBO closed. Water request 120m3/h, width 800 mm, length 67,8m, start height. 18,19m, Z5 INGA closed and opened: water request:140 m3/h+40m3/h, width. 1400 mm, length: 21 m, start height 12,75m

Construction of a commercial building of waste water treatment plant in Fertőendréd.

28.01.2016. 19.05.2016. Fertőendréd külterület

156m2 building, architectural and engineering renovation, furniture installation, installation of fire and occupational health and safety signs, facade thermal isolation, change of doors and windows.

Construction of a 2 part restaurant building in the project of Investment of thermal lake and eco-shore.

15.11.2014. 30.05.2015. 8749 Zalakaros, hrsz.:264/18

Net floor area 1026,38 m2. useful: 903,87 m2.

Construction of Zselic Senior Care Home, Part II.

26.03.2015. 25.03.2015. Zselickislak, Kossuth Lajos u. 236/13. hrsz.

Construction of a 5404 m2 floor area building with a leisure park.

Construction of gym buildings in Somogyjád – Magyaratád – Nagybajom – Szenna in the project of PPP

01.03.2006. 28.12.2012. Somogyjád, Magyaratád, Nagybajom, Szenna

4 sporthall, totally 6297 m2 alapterület

Reconstroction of nurseries and schools in Somogyjád School, Somogyjád Nursery, Mernye school, Mezőcsokonya school, Juta nursery, Osztopán nursery, Somodor nursery, Szentgáloskér nursery.

Project number: DDOP 3.1.2/2F – 2008-0011

03.08.2009. 08.02.2011. Somogyjád óvoda, Somogyjád iskola, Mernye iskola, Mezőcsokonya iskola, Juta óvoda, Osztopán iskola, Somodor óvoda, Szentgáloskér óvoda

School renovation: 2912,37 m2, extension: 541 m2, Parking lot and road works: 600 m2, nursery renovations: 558,91 m2, nursery extension: 115 m2

Development of Lengyeltóti, Öreglak, Somogyvár integrated micro regional educational centers under the Regional Operative Program / South Transdanubian operative program.

Project number: DDOP-2007-3.1.2./2F

25.05.2009. 31.12.2010. Lengyeltóti, Csokonai utca 15., 354/1. hrsz., Öreglak, Fő utca, 308. hrsz., Somogyvár, Kossuth L. u. 1., 13/1 hrsz., Somogyvár, Kossuth l. u. 32.

School renovation:: 4152 m2, extension: 1926 m2, arking lot and road works 1385 m2, nursery renovations:: 334,37 m2

Develpoment of integrated micro regional educational centre in Kadarkút micro region.

08.06.2009. 20.08.2010. Kadarkút, Fő utca 1. Fő utca 3., Kadarkút 207 hrsz.

School and students home contruction: 2016,6 m2, School and students home extension: 1008,3 m2, reconstruction of parking lots, sport grounds, yards: 4445 m2