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Szabadics for Children Foundation

The objective of the foundation is to support initiatives serving child care, child health and social issues regarding young people.

One of the most well-known activity of the Szabadics a Gyermekekért Alapítvány is the Kis-Balaton Építő Tábor child camp, organized annually together with three other partner organizations.

Besides the camping, the Foundation is also a committed supporter of the child rounds of the Kis-Balaton Futóverseny footrace and Mapei Tour de Zalakaros road bicycle race.

Kis-Balaton Építő Tábor (camp)

As a unique initiative, the Kis-Balaton Építő Tábor (camp) is taking place in Zalaszabar, at the Kis-Balaton, for the third time, as the result of a cooperation of four organizations.

The camp is taking place in the more than a decade old Holnapocska Tábor (campsite) in the joint organization of the Nyugat-dunántúli Vízügyi Igazgatóság (Water Management Directorate of Nyugat-Dunántúl), a Balaton-felvidéki Nemzeti Park (Balaton-felvidék National Park), and the Szabadics a Gyermekekért Alapítvány (Szabadics for the Children Foundation).

High school students can apply for participation in the camp, and they can spend ten days and nine nights at a beautiful location, in the Holnapocska Tábor of Zalaszabar. At the Kis-Balaton, the participants spend their mornings with work until noon, doing useful tasks, creating real value: gardening, polishing and painting fences and gates.

The participants of the camp do their useful work only within the national park, with the supervision of the employees of the Balaton-felvidéki Nemzeti Park (Balaton-felvidék National Park) and the Nyugat-dunántúli Vízügyi Igazgatóság (Water Management Directorate of Nyugat-Dunántúl). A common mission of the organizers is to free the youngsters from the virtual world of computers and mobile phones, if only for a short time.

The afternoons are centered on entertainment and adventure, since the campsite is located in the middle of the largest adventure park of Hungary, the Zobori Élménypark (Adventure park of Zobor). Besides the programs in Zalaszabar, part of the week spent at camp is dedicated to swimming in the Lake Balaton and at the Zalakaros Bath, going on daytrips and participating in community programs.

The camp is an excellent team building opportunity, helping the students from a team, strengthening the feeling of belonging.